Bibliografía selecta. Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Este titulo contiene bibliografia recomendada para mis alumnos en el contexto de los trabajos de investigación que realizamos bajo el paradigma de lo que es la arquitectura apropiada y pertinente a nuestro contexto.
Este paradigma valora al ser humano en toda su dimensión y no cosifica la arquitectura sino que la considera como un servicio a la persona en toda su dimensión humana. Recusamos el paradigma pos moderno y enfrentamos la alienación producida por la despersonalización del sujeto pos moderno.
Este paradigma reconoce y exige una epistemología de la arquitectura como disciplina técnica con una base científica de carácter holístico que la integra con una visión social, económica y política.
También esta recomendación lleva implícito un conocimiento de lo que implica hacer investigación y no la copia y acumulación de información sin sentido.
Raumordnung im griechischen Stadtebau / K.A. DOXIADIS - Heidelberg: KurtVowinckel Verlag, 1937. Architectural Space in Ancient Greece / C.A. DOXIADIS -Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1972.Presented by Panayotis Tournikiotis
Este paradigma valora al ser humano en toda su dimensión y no cosifica la arquitectura sino que la considera como un servicio a la persona en toda su dimensión humana. Recusamos el paradigma pos moderno y enfrentamos la alienación producida por la despersonalización del sujeto pos moderno.
Este paradigma reconoce y exige una epistemología de la arquitectura como disciplina técnica con una base científica de carácter holístico que la integra con una visión social, económica y política.
También esta recomendación lleva implícito un conocimiento de lo que implica hacer investigación y no la copia y acumulación de información sin sentido.
Raumordnung im griechischen Stadtebau / K.A. DOXIADIS - Heidelberg: KurtVowinckel Verlag, 1937. Architectural Space in Ancient Greece / C.A. DOXIADIS -Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1972.Presented by Panayotis Tournikiotis
Ideas que han configurado edificios.
Fil Hearn. Editorial: Gustavo Gili. Barcelona 2006.
Resumen. (Dr. Arq. Daniel R. Martí)
Corresponde a una recopilación crítica de las teorías de la arquitectura desde la antigüedad grecolatina clásica hasta nuestros días, vistas con distintos niveles de profundidad según el período y la disponibilidad de información, siempre partiendo del arquetipo vitruviano, probablemente para dar continuidad a la forma como abordaron los tratadistas renacentistas y posteriores el estudio de dicha disciplina.
El autor distingue cuatro apartados:
Fundamentos de cualquier tratado teórico,
Convenciones normativas de la teoría de la arquitectura, desde la antigüedad hasta 1800.
Principios inspiradores de la teoría de la arquitectura, Siglo XIX y XX, hasta 1965.
Circunvoluciones, desde 1965 hasta los primeros años del Siglo XXI.
El autor de este libro identifica y codifica los principios operativos presentes en la teoría de la arquitectura desde la antigua Roma hasta nuestros días, construyendo un armazón intelectual en el cual puede tener cabida cualquier concepto, pasado o presente. En relación, sobre todo, con los tratados históricamente más influyentes, estos conceptos se exponen temáticamente, y se analiza su desarrollo a lo largo del tiempo.
Sencillo y conciso, Ideas que han configurado edificios no sólo es apropiado para estudiantes y profesionales, sino para todos aquellos interesados en conocer y comprender el proceso del proyecto arquitectónico. Su mensaje es claro: antes que restringir la libertad creativa, el adecuado conocimiento y la aplicación de la teoría es una herramienta de trabajo y un acicate de la inspiración.
Tras una breve historia del desarrollo de la teoría arquitectónica, el texto se divide en cuatro partes. La primera de ellas se dedica a los temas relevantes para cualquier tratado teórico; la segunda, que se extiende desde la Antigüedad hasta 1800, se centra en las convenciones normativas inherentes a la tradición clásica; la tercera, cuyo contenido es la teoría a partir del siglo XIX, aborda los principios inspiradores inducidos por las visiones racionalistas de la tradición gótica; y, la cuarta y última, que consiste en un recorrido teórico desde 1965, versa sobre las razones que están por encima del racionalismo y sobre la influencia de la informática tanto en los métodos de diseño como en los propios proyectos. Todo ello ilustrado con dibujos analíticos e imágenes de edificios construidos.
Sencillo y conciso, Ideas que han configurado edificios no sólo es apropiado para estudiantes y profesionales, sino para todos aquellos interesados en conocer y comprender el proceso del proyecto arquitectónico. Su mensaje es claro: antes que restringir la libertad creativa, el adecuado conocimiento y la aplicación de la teoría es una herramienta de trabajo y un acicate de la inspiración.
Tras una breve historia del desarrollo de la teoría arquitectónica, el texto se divide en cuatro partes. La primera de ellas se dedica a los temas relevantes para cualquier tratado teórico; la segunda, que se extiende desde la Antigüedad hasta 1800, se centra en las convenciones normativas inherentes a la tradición clásica; la tercera, cuyo contenido es la teoría a partir del siglo XIX, aborda los principios inspiradores inducidos por las visiones racionalistas de la tradición gótica; y, la cuarta y última, que consiste en un recorrido teórico desde 1965, versa sobre las razones que están por encima del racionalismo y sobre la influencia de la informática tanto en los métodos de diseño como en los propios proyectos. Todo ello ilustrado con dibujos analíticos e imágenes de edificios construidos.
Fil Hearn es catedrático de Historia del Arte y la Arquitectura y director de Estudios Arquitectónicos de la Universidad de Pittsburgh.
Índice de contenidos:
Prólogo. La teoría de la arquitectura es cosa de todos
Introducción. Los ámbitos de la teoría
Fundamentos (importantes para cualquier teoría)
1. De la arquitectura y los arquitectos
2. Criterios de juicio y justificaciones de diseño
3. Los usos del pasado
Convenciones (la teoría antes de 1800)
4. Imágenes de los métodos ideal y clásico de diseño
5. Los órdenes: reglas evolutivas de la belleza formal
6. La alternativa estética: rompiendo las normas
7. La proporción: los órdenes y los espacios arquitectónicos
Principios (la teoría desde 1800 hasta 1965)
8. El método racional de diseño
9. El proyecto generativo como base del diseño
10. La estructura honrada como armazón del proyecto
11. Fieles al medio: uso de los materiales
12. Decoración e integridad del diseño
13. Restauración: el cuidado de los edificios históricos
14. Diseño de ciudades
Circunvoluciones (la teoría desde 1965)
15. La razón de ser más allá del racionalismo
16. Nuevos caminos en el método de diseño
Cronología de los tratados (por John Hearn)
La historiografía de la arquitectura moderna
* Tournikiotis, Panayotis, (aut.). Sainz Avia, Jorge, (tr.), Celeste Ediciones, S.A.
* 1ª ed., 1ª imp.(10/2001), 288 páginas.
Este libro trata de otros libros. Concretamente, se estudian en él las nueve 'historias' de la arquitectura moderna que el autor considera más representativas en su intento por explicar el movimento arquitectónico más característico del siglo XX.
La investigación se centra en un grupo de libros escritos por los principales historiadores del siglo XX: Nikolaus Pevsner, Emili Kaufmann, Sigfried Giedion, Bruno Zevi, Leonardo Benévolo, Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Reyner Banham, Peter Collins y Manfredo Tafuri. Para examinar el pensamiento de estos estudiosos, el autor recurre a conceptos de la teoría crítica, relacionando así la arquitectura con modelos históricos más amplios.
Lecturas como las que recomiendo exigen por parte del estudiante una actitud de investigación con mística por el conocimiento, lo cuál implica atención al examen acucioso de los conceptos empleados y a su discusión. Esta atención no corresponde a los trabajos que se realizan en las facultades de arquitectura que siguen inconscientemente o no el paradigma del "diseñador" ignorante, que son la mayoría.
Lecturas como las que recomiendo exigen por parte del estudiante una actitud de investigación con mística por el conocimiento, lo cuál implica atención al examen acucioso de los conceptos empleados y a su discusión. Esta atención no corresponde a los trabajos que se realizan en las facultades de arquitectura que siguen inconscientemente o no el paradigma del "diseñador" ignorante, que son la mayoría.
Prólogo 'Las versiones de la historia'
Los historiadores del arte y las genealogías fundacionales
El resurgimiento crítico
La confirmación social
La objetivación
En busca del presente
El pasado y el futuro
La historia como crítica
La escritura de las historias
Índice alfabético
Tesis de historiografía

SUMMERSON, JOHN. GUSTAVO GILI,Nº Edición:1ª, Año de edición:2001, Plaza edición: BARCELONA, 176 pags

GUSTAVO GILI , Nº Edición:8ª , Año de edición:2002, edición: BARCELONA , 1196 pags
GUSTAVO GILI , Nº Edición:8ª , Año de edición:2002, edición: BARCELONA , 1196 pags
ROBERT VENTURIComplexity and Contradiction in Architecture
Complejidad y contradicción en la arquitectura. Barcelona 1972
Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, Steven Izenour
Learning from Las VegasCAMBRIDGE 1972
Aprendiendo de Las Vegas: El simbolismo olvidado de la forma arquitectónica. Barcelona 1978

Josep Muntañola i Thornberg. Edicions UPC, 2001 - 133 páginas
Alvar Aalto: proyecto y método:
Antón Capitel: Ediciones AKAL, 1999 - 197 páginas
Las columnas de Mies
Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Cádiz, 2004 - 115 páginas
Alvar Aalto, una arquitectura dialógica
Edicions UPC, 2003 - 183 páginas
El objetivo de este libro consiste, pues, en intentar hacer evidente una actitud frente al proyecto arquitectnico que haga posible que la obra de arquitectura establezca una relacin dialgica en su interpretacin del entorno natural, social y cultural; que est dotada de contenido potico y, adems, que sea capaz de asimilar y transmitir la cultura de las distintas comunidades, anteponiendo siempre, en la obra final, los valores del ser humano a cualesquiera otros como condicin intrnseca e indisociable de la propia finalidad o razn de ser de la obra arquitectnica. Aalto evidenciar con su trabajo el abandono de los estilos y las servitudes dogmticas (presentes en cualquier poca) y, por el contrario, nos descubrirá el encuentro de una rica interacción especfica (dialógica) entre proyecto y contexto, y así lograr crear obras de altísima categoría poética que serán capaces de contener múltiples registros culturales y valores especficos de la relacinón hombre-arquitectura, que servirán como paradigma imprescindible en la educacin y aprendizaje de la arquitectura actual
Cultura, arquitectura y diseño
Edicions UPC, 2003 - 212 páginas
Qué debe hacer el diseño para solucionar su(s) problema(s)? Es necesario saberlo para poder juzgar si los problemas esátn realmente solucionados o, lo que es lo mismo, para efectuar una evaluación posterior a la ocupación del entorno (...). Esto es esencial, ya que todo diseño puede considerarse una hipótesis de la forma: "Si se hace esto y lo otro, ocurrirá esto y aquello." Pero luego hace falta demostrarlo. Slo as uno ser capaz de encadenar éxitos fiables y previsibles (...) Los objetivos han de ser definidos de forma explícita y su validez justificada, haciendo referencias al conocimiento de las EBR (relaciones entre el entorno y el comportamiento humano) (...) Si el diseño está destinado a crear "mejores" entornos, uno necesita saber: Qué es lo mejor? Mejor para quén? Por qué es mejor? Cómo se sabe que es mejor?
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Edicions UPC, 2004 - 92 páginas
Mensaje a los estudiantes de arquitectura
Ediciones Infinito, 1998 - 72 páginas
Illustrated with original drawings from the author, an essential guide helps architecture students who are going into the discipline for the first time.
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Espacio, tiempo y arquitectura:
Origen y desarrollo de una nueva tradición
Reverte, 2009 - 857 páginas
Space, time and architecture:
The growth of a new tradition
Harvard University Press, 2008 - 897 páginas
A milestone in modern thought, Space, Time and Architecture has been reissued many times since its first publication in 1941 and translated into half a dozen languages. In this revised edition of Mr. Giedion's classic work, major sections have been added and there are 81 new illustrations.
The chapters on leading contemporary architects have been greatly expanded. There is new material on the later development of Frank Lloyd Wright and the more recent buildings of Walter Gropius, particularly his American Embassy in Athens. In his discussion of Le Corbusier, Mr. Giedion provides detailed analyses of the Carpenter Center at Harvard University, Le Corbusier's only building in the United States, and his Priory of La Tourette near Lyons. There is a section on his relations with his clients and an assessment of his influence on contemporary architecture, including a description of the Le Corbusier Center in Zurich (designed just before his death], which houses his works of art. The chapters on Mies van der Rohe and Alvar Aalto have been brought up to date with examples of their buildings in the sixties. There is an entirely new chapter on the Danish architect Jorn Utzon, whose work, as exemplified in his design for the Sydney Opera House, Mr. Giedion considers representative of post-World War II architectural concepts.
A new essay, "Changing Notions of the City," traces the evolution of the structure of the city throughout history and examines current attempts to deal with urban growth, as shown in the work of such architects as Jos Luis Sert, Kenzo Tange, and Fumihiko Maki. Mr. Sert's Peabody Terrace is discussed as an example of the interlocking of the collective and individual spheres. Finally, the conclusion has been enlarged to include a survey of the limits of the organic in architecture.
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Raum, Zeit, Architektur:
Die Entstehung einer neuen Tradition
Springer, 1996 - 536 páginas
Sigfried Giedion war der publizistische Pionier, der Kritiker und Chronist des im Europa der zwanziger Jahre so bedeutungsvollen neuen Bauens und seiner weltweiten Auswirkungen. In der Vielfalt oft widersprüchlicher Tendenzen suchte er die geheime Synthese, in der sich eine neue Tradition ankündigte. Sein Hauptanliegen war es, darzulegen, warum diese Synthese nicht zur bewuÃten und handlungsbestimmenden Realität wurde. Er war zugleich Historiker, der das Entstehen dieser neuen Tradition in der Architektur sowie ihre Beziehungen zu Handwerk, Kunst und Wissenschaft anhand geschichtlicher Zusammenhänge sichtbar machte und so zur Transparenz des gegenwärtigen Zustands beitrug.
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The CIAM discourse on urbanism, 1928-1960
MIT Press, 2002 - 395 páginas
CIAM (Congres Internationaux d'Architecture Moderne), founded in Switzerland in 1928, was an avant-garde association of architects intended to advance both modernism and internationalism in architecture. CIAM saw itself as an elite group revolutionizing architecture to serve the interests of society. Its members included some of the best-known architects of the twentieth century, such as Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, and Richard Neutra, but also hundreds of others who looked to it for doctrines on how to shape the urban environment in a rapidly changing world.
In this first book-length history of the organization, architectural historian Eric Mumford focuses on CIAM's discourse to trace the development and promotion of its influential concept of the "Functional City." He views official doctrines and pronouncements in relation to the changing circumstances of the members, revealing how CIAM in the 1930s began to resemble a kind of syndicalist party oriented toward winning over any suitable authority, regardless of political orientation. Mumford also looks at CIAM's efforts after World War II to find a new basis for a socially engaged architecture and describes the attempts by the group of younger members called Team 10 to radically revise CIAM's mission in the 1950s, efforts that led to the organization's dissolution in 1959.
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History of Modern Architecture
MIT Press, 1977 - 868 páginas
Let it be said at once that the format of this work is richly handsome: it is a two-volume boxed set comprising 844 pages and well over 1,000 high-quality illustrations, and it reflects throughout its publisher's conviction that good design is an essential, not superficial, part of bookmaking. Beyond that, it should be emphasized that this work is not another facile cultural tour of modern architecture. It is a serious and original study of the beginnings and development of modernism in which the pictorial aspects are designed to aid in the communication of the author's closely reasoned formulations, rather than to gloss over a lack of substantive content. The book is a translation of the third Italian edition, published in 1966. Benevolo, who is on the faculty of architecture in Venice, has earned an international reputation as a historian of architecture and town planning, and his publications embrace the span of time from the Renaissance to the foreseeable future. One such publication, The Origins of Modern Town Planning(The MIT Press, 1967), may be read as a prelude to the present work as well as an independent contribution. Perhaps more than any other architectural historian in our time, Benevolo has made a determined effort to place developments in design and planning in their proper social and political settings. Indeed, the author argues that the development of the modern movement in architecture was determined, not by aesthetic formalisms, but largely by the social changes that have occurred since about 1760: "After the middle of the eighteenth century, without the continuity of formal activity being in any way broken, indeed while architectural language seems to be acquiring a particular coherence, the relations between architect and society began to change radically.... New material and spiritual needs, new ideas and modes of procedure arise both within and beyond the traditional limits, and finally they run together to form a new architectural synthesis that is completely different from the old one. In this way it is possible to explain the birth of modern architecture, which otherwise would seem completely incomprehensible...." This first volume provides the work with its solid historical roots. It describes the component parts of modern architectural thought, discovers their origins in the various fields in which they arose, and follows their convergence from 1760 to 1914. The author traces the physical events that gave birth to the modern European city through 1890 and discusses in particular the influences that led to the thought of Owen, Ruskin, and Morris. He next explains why certain urban experiments took place in America earlier than in Europe, and he ends the volume with a discussion of European avant-gardemovements between 1890 and 1914. Benevolo remarks at one point, "When one talks about modern architecture one must bear in mind the fact that it implies not only a new range of forms, but also a new way of thinking, whose consequences have not yet all been calculated." His main concern is to provide a more exact calculation of those consequences.
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Architecture theory since 1968
MIT Press, 2000 - 824 páginas
In the discussion of architecture, the prevailing sentiment of the past three decades has been that cultural production can no longer be understood to arise spontaneously, as a matter of social course, but is constructed through ever more self-conscious theoretical procedures. The development of interpretive modes of various stripes—poststructuralist, Marxian, phenomenological, psychoanalytic, as well as others dissenting or eccentric—has given scholars a range of tools for rethinking architecture in relation to other fields and for reasserting architecture's general importance in intellectual discourse.
This long-awaited anthology is in some sense a sequel to Joan Ockman's Architecture Culture 1943-1968, A Documentary Anthology (1993). It presents forty-seven of the primary texts of contemporary architecture theory, introducing each by detailing the concepts and categories necessary for its understanding and evaluation. It also presents twelve documents of projects or events that had major theoretical repercussions for the period. Several of the essays appear here in English for the first time.
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Theorizing a new agenda for architecture:
An anthology of architectural theory 1965-1995
Princeton Architectural Press, 1996 - 606 páginas
Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture: An Anthology of ArchitecturalTheory collects in a single volume the most significant essays on architectural theory of the last thirty years.
A dynamic period of reexamination of the discipline, the postmodern eraproduced widely divergent and radical viewpoints on issues of making, meaning, history, and the city. Among the paradigms presented arearchitectural postmodernism, phenomenology, semiotics, poststructuralism, deconstruction, and feminism.
By gathering these influential articles from a vast array of books and journals into a comprehensive anthology, Kate Nesbitt has created a resource of great value. Indispensable to professors and students of architecture and architectural theory, Theorizing a New Agenda also serves practitioners and the general public, as Nesbitt provides an overview, a thematic structure, and a critical introduction to each essay.
The list of authors in Theorizing a New Agenda reads like a 'Who's Who' of contemporary architectural thought: Tadao Ando, Giulio Carlo Argan, Alan Colquhoun, Jacques Derrida, Peter Eisenman, Marco Frascari, Kenneth Frampton, Diane Ghirardo, Vittorio Gregotti, Karsten Harries, Rem Koolhaas, Christian Norberg-Schulz, Aldo Rossi, Colin Rowe, Thomas Schumacher, Ignasi de Sol -Morales Rubi , Bernard Tschumi, Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, and Anthony Vidler. A bibliography and notes on all the contributors are also included.
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Theory and design in the first machine age
MIT Press, 1980 - 338 páginas
First published in 1960, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age has become required reading in numerous courses on the history of modern architecture and is widely regarded as one of the definitive books on the modern movement. It has influenced a generation of students and critics interested in the formation of attitudes, themes, and forms which were characteristic of artists and architects working primarily in Europe between 1900 and 1930 under the compulsion of new technological developments in the first machine age.
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Reyner Banham:
Historian of the Immediate Future
MIT Press, 2003 - 514 páginas
Reyner Banham (1922-88) was one of the most influential writers on architecture, design, and popular culture from the mid-1950s to the late 1980s. Trained in mechanical engineering and art history, he was convinced that technology was making society not only more exciting but more democratic. His combination of academic rigor and pop culture sensibility put him in opposition to both traditionalists and orthodox Modernists, but placed him in a unique position to understand the cultural, social, and political implications of the visual arts in the postwar period. His first book, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age (still in print with The MIT Press after forty years), was central to the overhaul of Modernism, and it gave Futurism and Expressionism credibility amid the dynamism and change of the 1960s.
This intellectual biography is the first comprehensive critical examination of Banham’s theories and ideas, not only on architecture but also on the wide variety of subjects that interested him. It covers the full range of his oeuvre and discusses the values, enthusiasms, and influences that formed his thinking.
This intellectual biography is the first comprehensive critical examination of Banham’s theories and ideas, not only on architecture but also on the wide variety of subjects that interested him. It covers the full range of his oeuvre and discusses the values, enthusiasms, and influences that formed his thinking.
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Architecture without architecture
MIT Press, 2005 - 242 páginas
Shortlisted for the 2008 Bruno Zevi Award presented by International Committee of Architectural Critics (CICA). and Winner, Trade Illustrated Category, 2006 AAUP Book Jacket and Journal Show.
In the 1960s, the architects of Britain's Archigram group and Archigram magazine turned away from conventional architecture to propose cities that move and houses worn like suits of clothes. In drawings inspired by pop art and psychedelia, architecture floated away, tethered by wires, gantries, tubes, and trucks. In Archigram: Architecture without Architecture, Simon Sadler argues that Archigram's sense of fun takes its place beside the other cultural agitants of the 1960s, originating attitudes and techniques that became standard for architects rethinking social space and building technology. The Archigram style was assembled from the Apollo missions, constructivism, biology, manufacturing, electronics, and popular culture, inspiring an architectural movement—High Tech—and influencing the postmodern and deconstructivist trends of the late twentieth century.
Although most Archigram projects were at the limits of possibility and remained unbuilt, the six architects at the center of the movement, Warren Chalk, Peter Cook, Dennis Crompton, David Greene, Ron Herron, and Michael Webb, became a focal point for the architectural avant-garde, because they redefined the purpose of architecture. Countering the habitual building practice of setting walls and spaces in place, Archigram architects wanted to provide the equipment for amplified living, and they welcomed any cultural rearrangements that would ensue. Archigram: Architecture without Architecture—the first full-length critical and historical account of the Archigram phenomenon—traces Archigram from its rediscovery of early modernist verve through its courting of students, to its ascent to international notoriety for advocating the "disappearance of architecture."
In the 1960s, the architects of Britain's Archigram group and Archigram magazine turned away from conventional architecture to propose cities that move and houses worn like suits of clothes. In drawings inspired by pop art and psychedelia, architecture floated away, tethered by wires, gantries, tubes, and trucks. In Archigram: Architecture without Architecture, Simon Sadler argues that Archigram's sense of fun takes its place beside the other cultural agitants of the 1960s, originating attitudes and techniques that became standard for architects rethinking social space and building technology. The Archigram style was assembled from the Apollo missions, constructivism, biology, manufacturing, electronics, and popular culture, inspiring an architectural movement—High Tech—and influencing the postmodern and deconstructivist trends of the late twentieth century.
Although most Archigram projects were at the limits of possibility and remained unbuilt, the six architects at the center of the movement, Warren Chalk, Peter Cook, Dennis Crompton, David Greene, Ron Herron, and Michael Webb, became a focal point for the architectural avant-garde, because they redefined the purpose of architecture. Countering the habitual building practice of setting walls and spaces in place, Archigram architects wanted to provide the equipment for amplified living, and they welcomed any cultural rearrangements that would ensue. Archigram: Architecture without Architecture—the first full-length critical and historical account of the Archigram phenomenon—traces Archigram from its rediscovery of early modernist verve through its courting of students, to its ascent to international notoriety for advocating the "disappearance of architecture."
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The theory of architecture:
Concepts, themes & practices
John Wiley and Sons, 1994 - 512 páginas
The Theory of Architecture Concepts, Themes & Practices Paul-Alan Johnson Although it has long been thought that theory directs architectural practice, no one has explained precisely how the connection between theory and practice is supposed to work. This guide asserts that architectural theory does not direct practice, but is itself a form of reflective practice. Paul-Alan Johnson cuts through the jargon and mystery of architectural theory to clarify how it relates to actual applications in the field. He also reveals the connections between new and old ideas to enhance the reader's powers of critical evaluation. Nearly 100 major concepts, themes, and practices of architecture--as well as the rhetoric of architects and designers--are presented in an easily accessible format. Throughout, Johnson attempts to reduce each architectural notion into its essential concept. By doing so, he makes theory accessible for everyday professional discussion. Topics are arranged under ten headings: identification, definition, power, attitudes, ethics, order, authority, governance, relationship, and expression. Areas covered under these headings include:
* Utopic thought in theories of architecture
* Advocacy and citizen participation in architecture
* The basis of architectural quality and excellence
* The roles of the architect as artist, poet, scientist, and technologist
* Ethical obligations of architecture
* Rationales for models and methods of design
* How authority is determined in architecture
* How architects structure their concepts
* Conventions of communication within the architectural profession
Each section begins by showing the etymology of key terms of the topic discussed, along with a summary history of the topic's use in architecture. Discussions probe the conceptual and philosophical difficulties of different theories, as well as their potential and limitations in past and present usage. Among the provocative issues discussed in terms of their relationship to architecture are chaos theory, feminism, service to the community, and the use of metaphor. Johnson points out with stunning clarity the intentions as well as the contradictions and inconsistencies of all notions and concepts. All architects and designers, as well as students and teachers in these disciplines, will gain many insights about architectural thought in this groundbreaking text.
* Utopic thought in theories of architecture
* Advocacy and citizen participation in architecture
* The basis of architectural quality and excellence
* The roles of the architect as artist, poet, scientist, and technologist
* Ethical obligations of architecture
* Rationales for models and methods of design
* How authority is determined in architecture
* How architects structure their concepts
* Conventions of communication within the architectural profession
Each section begins by showing the etymology of key terms of the topic discussed, along with a summary history of the topic's use in architecture. Discussions probe the conceptual and philosophical difficulties of different theories, as well as their potential and limitations in past and present usage. Among the provocative issues discussed in terms of their relationship to architecture are chaos theory, feminism, service to the community, and the use of metaphor. Johnson points out with stunning clarity the intentions as well as the contradictions and inconsistencies of all notions and concepts. All architects and designers, as well as students and teachers in these disciplines, will gain many insights about architectural thought in this groundbreaking text.
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A theory of architecture
UMBAU-VERLAG Harald Püschel, 2006 - 278 páginas
More than a decade in the making, this is a textbook of architecture rich with design techniques and useful for every architect whether a first-year students or experienced practicing architects. The book teaches the reader how to design by adapting to human needs and sensibilities, yet independently of any particular style. It explains much of what people instinctively know about architecture, and puts that knowledge for the first time in a concise, understandable form. There has not been such a book treating the very essence of architecture. Preface by the Prince of Wales
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Principles of urban structure
Techne, 2005 - 252 páginas
There is an increasing awareness that a city needs to be understood as a complex interacting system. Different types of urban systems overlap to build up urban complexity in a living city. This raises the need for concepts such as coherence, emergence, information, self-organization, and adaptivity. "Principles of Urban Structure" is a collection of important essays, written and published over the last fifteen years in various journals. In this book, Nikos Salingaros integrates his expertise about physics and mathematics with his knowledge of urban problems. His ideas build in particular on the work of Alexander, Mandelbrot, and the much more recent development of network science in statistical physics.
Architecture theory:
A reader in philosophy and culture
Continuum International Publishing Group, 2005 - 310 páginas
Architecture Theory is a comprehensive and groundbreaking one volume overview of, and introduction to, contemporary critical discourse in architecture. In bringing critical theory and Continental philosophy to bear upon architecture, it provides a solid framework for a fully up-to-date theory of architecture, one that reflects the latest developments and concerns. The book is divided into four sections--groundwork; constructing the 'individual'; pluralities; instrumentality--each covering a core theme in contemporary architecture theory. In each section an introductory essay by Andrew Ballantyne provides valuable context, exposition and analysis. This is followed by a selection of writings on architecture and other related cultural concerns from major contemporary thinkers, including Ž iž ek, Irigaray, Lefebvre, Lyotard, Kristeva, Nancy, Virilio, Deleuze and Negri.
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Philosophy and architecture
Rodopi, 1994 - 264 páginas
The aesthetics of architecture
Taylor & Francis, 1979 - 302 páginas
Philosophy: principles and problems
Continuum International Publishing Group, 2005 - 168 páginas
This is a personal view of philosophy from a renowned critic and thinker. In it, Roger Scruton focuses on the ideas and arguments which have attracted him to the subject. He attempts to show how philosophy is relevant not just to intellectual questions, but to life in the modern world. Philosophy can be approached in two ways: by doing it, or by studying how it has been done. The second way is familiar to university students, who find themselves confronted by the largest body of literature ever devoted to a single subject. This book follows a more ancient pattern. It attempts to teach philosophy by doing it. The book offers itself as a guide to the reader who is prepared to make a personal venture into philosophy. Its aim is to bring philosophy to life.
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Walter de Gruyter, 1983 - 476 páginas
Intervals in the philosophy of architecture
McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP, 1996 - 336 páginas
In this second volume in the Chora series, contributing authors explore critical questions for the theory and practice of architecture. They take an interdisciplinary approach to architecture and other cultural concerns, challenging readers to consider alternatives to conventional aesthetic and technological reductions.
A pattern language:
Towns, buildings, construction
Oxford University Press US, 1977 - 1171 páginas
"Brilliant....Here's how to design or redesign any space you're living or working in--from metropolis to room. Consider what you want to happen in the space, and then page through this book. Its radically conservative observations will spark, enhance, organize your best ideas, and a wondrous home, workplace, town will result"--San Francisco Chronicle. This classic handbook presents a language which ordinary people can use to express themselves in their own communities or homes, and to better communicate with each other.
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Anti-architecture and deconstruction
UMBAU-VERLAG Harald Püschel, 2004 - 209 páginas
The new paradigm in architecture:
The language of post-modernism
Yale University Press, 2002 - 279 páginas
The new paradigm in architecture tells the story of a movement that has changed the face of architecture over the last forty years. The book begins by surveying the counter culture of the 1960s, when Jane Jacobs and Robert Venturi called for a more complex urbanism and architecture. It concludes by showing how such demands began to be realized by the 1990s in a new architecture that is aided by computer design. Promoted by such architects as Frank Gehry, Daniel Libeskind, and Peter Eisenman, it has also been adopted by many schools and offices around the world. Charles Jencks traces the history of computer design which is built on the desire for an architecture that communicates with its users, one based on the heterogeneity of cities and global culture. This book, the first to explore the broad issue of Postmodernism, has fostered its growth in other fields such as philosophy and the arts. First written at the start of an architectural movement in the mid-1970s, it has been completely rewritten and with two new chapters, brings the history up to date.
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Jacques Derrida
Routledge, 2003 - 185 páginas
In this entertaining and provocative introduction, Royle offers lucid explanations of various key ideas, including deconstruction, undecidability, iterability, differance, aporia, the pharmakon, the supplement, a new enlightenment, and the democracy to come. He also gives attention, however, to a range of less obvious key ideas of Derrida, such as earthquakes, animals and animality, ghosts, monstrosity, the poematic, drugs, gifts, secrets, war, and mourning. Derrida is seen as an extraordinarily inventive thinker, as well as a brilliantly imaginative and often very funny writer. Other critical introductions tend to highlight the specifically philosophical nature and genealogy of his work. Royle's book proceeds in a new and different way, in particular by focusing on the crucial but strange place of literature in Derrida's writings. He thus provides an appreciation and understanding based on detailed reference to Derrida's texts, interwoven with close readings of such writers as Shakespeare, Coleridge, P.B.Shelley, Poe, Emily Bronte, Franz Kafka and Elizabeth Bowen. In doing so, he explores Derrida's consistent view that deconstruction is "a coming-to-terms with literature". He emphasizes the ways in which "literature", for Derrida, is indissociably bound up with other concerns, such as philosophy and psychoanalysis, politics and ethics, responsibility and justice, law and democracy.
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Elements of Architecture
Taylor & Francis, 1990 - 228 páginas
This book is a comprehensive analysis of the whole architectural phenomenon; logical and methodical extraction of general principles from the prevailing pluralism of approaches.
Análysing architecture
Routledge, 2003 - 255 páginas
Analysing Architecture offers a unique 'notebook' of architectural strategies to present an engaging introduction to elements and concepts in architectural design. Beautifully illustrated throughout with the author's original drawings, examples are drawn from across architectural history (from primitive places to late 20th century structures) to illustrate analytical themes and to show how drawing can be used to study architecture. Simon Unwin clearly identifies the key elements of architecture and conceptual themes apparent in buildings. He describes ideas for use in the active process of design.
Breaking down the grammar of architecture into themes and 'moves', Unwin exposes its underlying patterns to reveal the organizational strategies that lie beneath the superficial appearances of buildings. Exploring buildings as results of the interaction of people with the world around them, Analysing Architecture offers a definition of architecture as 'identification of place' and provides agreater understanding of architecture as a creative discipline. This book presents a powerful impetus for readers to develop their own capacities for architectural design. In this second edition the framework for analysis has been revised and enlarged, and further case studies added. Many new drawings have been included, illustrating further examples of the themes explored. The link between analysis and learning about the possibilities of design has been reinforced, and the bibliography of recommended supplementary reading has been expanded.
Breaking down the grammar of architecture into themes and 'moves', Unwin exposes its underlying patterns to reveal the organizational strategies that lie beneath the superficial appearances of buildings. Exploring buildings as results of the interaction of people with the world around them, Analysing Architecture offers a definition of architecture as 'identification of place' and provides agreater understanding of architecture as a creative discipline. This book presents a powerful impetus for readers to develop their own capacities for architectural design. In this second edition the framework for analysis has been revised and enlarged, and further case studies added. Many new drawings have been included, illustrating further examples of the themes explored. The link between analysis and learning about the possibilities of design has been reinforced, and the bibliography of recommended supplementary reading has been expanded.
Design and analysis
010 Publishers, 1997 - 224 páginas
Elements of architectural design:
A photographic sourcebook
John Wiley and Sons, 2000 - 342 páginas
The complete visual guide to the elements of architectural design
Science, philosophy, architecture: Richard Padovan
Taylor & Francis, 1999 - 388 páginas
This book provides a well-illustrated and readable comparative guide to proportion systems in architecture, setting out the mathematical principles that underlie the main systems and illustrating these with examples of their use in historical and modern buildings. The text traces the interplay of abstraction and empathy through the history of science, philosophy and architecture from the early Greeks through to the two early twentieth-century architects who made proportion the focus of their work, Le Corbusier and Van der Laan, and ends with a reflection on the present and future role of proportion in architecture.
Architectural research methods
John Wiley and Sons, 2002 - 389 páginas
A practical guide to research-just for architects. From searching for the best glass to prevent glare to determining how clients might react to color choice for restaurant walls, research is a crucial tool that architects must master in order to effectively address the technical, aesthetic, and behavioral issues that arise in their work.
This book's unique coverage of research methods is specifically targeted to help professional designers and researchers better conduct and understand research. Part I explores basic research issues and concepts, and includes chapters on relating theory to method and design to research. Part II gives a comprehensive treatment of specific strategies for investigating built forms. In all, the book covers seven types of research, including historical, qualitative, correlational, experimental, simulation and modeling, logical argumentation, and case study and mixed methods.
Complete with real-life examples of how good research can be used from project inception to completion, Architectural Research Methods is an essential reference for architecture students and researchers as well as architects, interior designers, landscape architects, and building product manufacturers.
This book's unique coverage of research methods is specifically targeted to help professional designers and researchers better conduct and understand research. Part I explores basic research issues and concepts, and includes chapters on relating theory to method and design to research. Part II gives a comprehensive treatment of specific strategies for investigating built forms. In all, the book covers seven types of research, including historical, qualitative, correlational, experimental, simulation and modeling, logical argumentation, and case study and mixed methods.
Complete with real-life examples of how good research can be used from project inception to completion, Architectural Research Methods is an essential reference for architecture students and researchers as well as architects, interior designers, landscape architects, and building product manufacturers.
Research methodology:
A step-by-step guide for beginners
SAGE, 2005 - 332 páginas
As with the first, the Second Edition of Research Methodology is designed specifically for students with no previous experience or knowledge of research and research methodology.
New to this edition:
- The paradigms of research have been expanded to present a way of thinking that helps students gain a clear idea of the different examples used in research;
- Material on focus groups, development of conceptual framework for unstructured interviews and greater detail on in-depth interviewing has been expanded, allowing students to discuss and analyse the differing methods of data collection;
-New material on analyzing quantitative data and separate sections for the analysis of qualitative and quantitative research. This gives a comprehensive and concise discussion of the two major research types;
- The chapter on Research Methodology and Practice Evaluation contains 11 new figures and one new table for enhanced visual learning and analysis.
This clear and concise text links theory with eight practical steps central to any research process. It focuses on developing research skills by providing practical examples from both qualitative and quantitative research for a balanced and comprehensive grounding in research methodology.
New to this edition:
- The paradigms of research have been expanded to present a way of thinking that helps students gain a clear idea of the different examples used in research;
- Material on focus groups, development of conceptual framework for unstructured interviews and greater detail on in-depth interviewing has been expanded, allowing students to discuss and analyse the differing methods of data collection;
-New material on analyzing quantitative data and separate sections for the analysis of qualitative and quantitative research. This gives a comprehensive and concise discussion of the two major research types;
- The chapter on Research Methodology and Practice Evaluation contains 11 new figures and one new table for enhanced visual learning and analysis.
This clear and concise text links theory with eight practical steps central to any research process. It focuses on developing research skills by providing practical examples from both qualitative and quantitative research for a balanced and comprehensive grounding in research methodology.
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Theories and manifestoes of contemporary architecture
Academy Editions, 1997 - 312 páginas
The last forty years have seen an outburst of theories and manifestoes which explore the possibilities of architecture: its language, evolution and social relevance. With the many crises in architecture and the obvious urban and ecological problems., Modernism has been criticised, questioned, overthrown, extended, subverted and revivified not a peaceful time for architectural thought and production. The result has been a cascade of new theories, justifications and recipes for building. This anthology, edited by the well-known historian and critic Charles Jencks, and the urbanist and theorist Karl Kropf, collects the main texts which define these changes. Essential for the student and practitioner alike, it presents over 120 of the key arguments of todays major architectural philosophers and gurus. These show that the Modern architecture of the early part of this century has mutated into three main traditions: a critical and ecological Post-Modernism; a High-Tech and sculptural Late Modernism; and a deconstructive, subversive New Modernism. Here are the seminal texts of James Stirling, Robert Venturi, Colin Rowe, Christopher Alexander, Frank Gehry, Reyner Banham, Bernard Tschumi, Rem Koolhaas and many others who have changed the discourse of architecture. Here also are the anti-Modern texts of the traditionalists Leon Krier, Demetri Porphyrios, Quinlan Terry, Prince Charles and others. Many of these texts are concise, edited varsions of influential books. Highly informative and richly illustrated with over forty drawings and photographs, this volume is a vital learning and teaching tool for all those interested in the philosophies of contemporary architecture
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Modern movements in architecture
Charles Jencks : Anchor Press, 1973 - 432 páginas
Modern architecture:
A critical history
Oxford University Press, 1981 - 324 páginas
The Athens charter
Le Corbusier
Grossman Publishers, 1973 - 111 páginas
L'Esprit nouveau:
Le Corbusier et l'industrie 1920-1925
Museum für Gestaltung, 1987 - 296 páginas
La construction des villes:
Genèse et devenir d'un ouvrage écrit de 1910 à 1915 et laissé inachevé
L'AGE D'HOMME, 1992 - 223 páginas
La arquitectura moderna:
Una historia desapasionada
Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2005 - 287 páginas
Este nuevo estudio de la arquitectura moderna internacional analiza las complejas motivaciones que impulsaron este movimiento revolucionario y valora sus triunfos y sus fracasos. Se reexamina asimismo la obra de los principales arquitectos del período, como Frank Lloyd Wright, Adolf Loos, Le Corbusier y Mies van der Rohe, a la vez que se arroja nueva luz sobre su papel como maestros reconocidos.
Arquitectura moderna en Colombia:
Época de oro
Diego Samper Ediciones, 2000 - 153 páginas
El proyecto moderno en Bogotá:
Rodríguez Guerrero Rodríguez G., Mondragón López Mondragón L., Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Artes
Univ. Nacional de Colombia, 2005 - 154 páginas
Teorías de la arquitectura: memorial Ignasi de Solà-Morales
Editado por Josep Maria Montaner,Fabián Gabriel Pérez
Referencias generales
Jean François Lyotard - La condición posmoderna - 1987
Leonardo Benevolo-Historia de la Arquitectura Moderna- 1974
Benevolo, Melograni y Giura Longo - La proyectación de la ciudad moderna - 1978
Gilles Lipovetzky - La era del vacío - Ensayos sobre el individualismo contemporáneo - 1986 Jürgen Habermas - Modernidad, un proyecto incompleto- 1989 (Recopilación de Nicolás Casulla )
Paolo Portoghesi - Después de la Arquitectura Moderna - 3a. edición - 1984
José María Montaner - Después de la Arquitectura Moderna - 1993
Leonardo Benevolo-Historia de la Arquitectura Moderna- 1974
Benevolo, Melograni y Giura Longo - La proyectación de la ciudad moderna - 1978
Gilles Lipovetzky - La era del vacío - Ensayos sobre el individualismo contemporáneo - 1986 Jürgen Habermas - Modernidad, un proyecto incompleto- 1989 (Recopilación de Nicolás Casulla )
Paolo Portoghesi - Después de la Arquitectura Moderna - 3a. edición - 1984
José María Montaner - Después de la Arquitectura Moderna - 1993
Les adjunto un link a la página de Josep Muntañola Thornberg, ed.
2-BERMANN, Marhsall "Todo lo sólido se desvanence en el aire: Marx, el modernismo y la modernización", Capítulo 2, en Todo lo sólido se desvanece en el aire, la experiencia de la modernidad, editorial Siglo XXI, Buenos Aires, 1989.
3-BORJA, Jordi y MUXI Zaida Cap. 1 y 3 "Ciudad y espacio público" "Hacer ciudad y hacer espacio público" en El espacio público: ciudad y ciudadanía, Edit. Electa, Barcelona, España, 2003.
4-EZQUIAGA DOMINGUEZ, José María "¿Cambio de estilo o cambio de paradigma? Reflexiones sobre la crisis del planeamiento urbano." En Urban N°3, Barcelona, España, 1998. Disponible en
5-GUIMARAES, Roberto "Modernidad, medio ambiente y ética. Un nuevo paradigma de desarrollo", Brasilia, 1997.
6- GOROSITO, LIGRONE, SÁNCHEZ: “Instrumentos - Leyes 18308 y 18367”, Montevideo, Editorial Bastides-SAU, Ficha 3, 2009 + LEY DE ORDENAMIENTO TERRITORIAL Y DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE, artículos 1 al 7, disponible en
7- HARVEY, David "Mundos urbanos posibles", conferencia pronunciada en la Fundación Megacities en Holanda (año 2000), publicada en Lo Urbano en 20 Autores Contemporáneos, Ediciones UPC, Barcelona, 2004
8-INTENDENCIA MUNICIPAL DE MONTEVIDEO "Plan Especial de Ciudad Vieja", Uruguay, 2004. Publicación de divulgación: Colección Planes Especiales de la Unidad Central de Planificación Municipal de la IMM. (Se dispone de la versión completa y por lo tanto más extensa para descargar en )
9-INSTITUTO DE TEORIA DE LA ARQUITECTURA Y URBANISMO "Montevideo, Correlación Entre Densidades y Morfología", Introducción, Cap. 1 a 5 inc. Coord. Arq. I. Roche. Edición UDELAR-CSIC, 1999.
10-KOOLHAAS, Rem (primer parcial) “¿Qué pasó con el urbanismo?” – “La ciudad genérica”, fragmentos extraídos de S,M,L,XL, OMA Rem Koolhaas con Bruce Mau, 1994, en números 0006 y 0010
11-MUÑOZ, Francesc“Paisajes banales: bienvenidos a la sociedad del espectáculo" , extraído de "Metrópolis: ciudades, redes, paisajes" de Solà Morales y Costa (eds.) Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2005.
12-PANERAI, Philipe "Elementos de Análisis Urbano", capítulos: III tipologías, IV Paisaje urbano y Análisis pictórico, VI Estructuras urbanas. Edit. Instituto de Estudios y Administración Local, Madrid, 1983.
13-PORTAS, Nuno "El planeamiento urbano como proceso de regulación variable", en Revista Ciudades N° 3, Instituto de Urbanística de la Universidad de Valladolid, España, 1996.
14-RIERA, Elba del Carmen (primer parcial) "La complejidad: consideraciones epistemológicas y filosóficas", documento presentado en el Twentieth world congrees of philosophy, Boston, 1998, en
15-ROSSI, Aldo, “La Arquitectura de la Ciudad”, Prefacio a la segunda edición italiana, Introducción: Hechos urbanos y teoría de la ciudad y Capítulo 1. Estructura de los hechos urbanos, Editorial Gustavo Gilli, 1993.
16- SASSEN, Saskia."Las ciudades en la economía global", en Simposio La ciudad latinoamericana y del Caribe en el nuevo siglo. Barcelona, 1997, en
“Aprendiendo de Las Vegas”, Parte I: Un significado para los Aparcamientos A & P, O. Aprendiendo de Las Vegas, Editorial Gustavo Gilli, 1998.
18-ZAERA POLO, Alejandro : "Orden desde el caos", en Exit N°1, Editorial LMI, Madrid, 1994.
Bibliografía e Índice General. Arquitectura: Mente, Territorio y Sociedad
Sobre Urbanismo
1-ALMANDOZ, Arturo: "Consideraciones conceptuales sobre Urbanismo", en Revista Ciudad y Territorio, Estudios Territoriales, Vol. 1, 3ª época, Edit. MOPT, España 1993.2-BERMANN, Marhsall "Todo lo sólido se desvanence en el aire: Marx, el modernismo y la modernización", Capítulo 2, en Todo lo sólido se desvanece en el aire, la experiencia de la modernidad, editorial Siglo XXI, Buenos Aires, 1989.
3-BORJA, Jordi y MUXI Zaida Cap. 1 y 3 "Ciudad y espacio público" "Hacer ciudad y hacer espacio público" en El espacio público: ciudad y ciudadanía, Edit. Electa, Barcelona, España, 2003.
4-EZQUIAGA DOMINGUEZ, José María "¿Cambio de estilo o cambio de paradigma? Reflexiones sobre la crisis del planeamiento urbano." En Urban N°3, Barcelona, España, 1998. Disponible en
5-GUIMARAES, Roberto "Modernidad, medio ambiente y ética. Un nuevo paradigma de desarrollo", Brasilia, 1997.
6- GOROSITO, LIGRONE, SÁNCHEZ: “Instrumentos - Leyes 18308 y 18367”, Montevideo, Editorial Bastides-SAU, Ficha 3, 2009 + LEY DE ORDENAMIENTO TERRITORIAL Y DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE, artículos 1 al 7, disponible en
7- HARVEY, David "Mundos urbanos posibles", conferencia pronunciada en la Fundación Megacities en Holanda (año 2000), publicada en Lo Urbano en 20 Autores Contemporáneos, Ediciones UPC, Barcelona, 2004
8-INTENDENCIA MUNICIPAL DE MONTEVIDEO "Plan Especial de Ciudad Vieja", Uruguay, 2004. Publicación de divulgación: Colección Planes Especiales de la Unidad Central de Planificación Municipal de la IMM. (Se dispone de la versión completa y por lo tanto más extensa para descargar en )
9-INSTITUTO DE TEORIA DE LA ARQUITECTURA Y URBANISMO "Montevideo, Correlación Entre Densidades y Morfología", Introducción, Cap. 1 a 5 inc. Coord. Arq. I. Roche. Edición UDELAR-CSIC, 1999.
10-KOOLHAAS, Rem (primer parcial) “¿Qué pasó con el urbanismo?” – “La ciudad genérica”, fragmentos extraídos de S,M,L,XL, OMA Rem Koolhaas con Bruce Mau, 1994, en números 0006 y 0010
11-MUÑOZ, Francesc“Paisajes banales: bienvenidos a la sociedad del espectáculo" , extraído de "Metrópolis: ciudades, redes, paisajes" de Solà Morales y Costa (eds.) Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2005.
12-PANERAI, Philipe "Elementos de Análisis Urbano", capítulos: III tipologías, IV Paisaje urbano y Análisis pictórico, VI Estructuras urbanas. Edit. Instituto de Estudios y Administración Local, Madrid, 1983.
13-PORTAS, Nuno "El planeamiento urbano como proceso de regulación variable", en Revista Ciudades N° 3, Instituto de Urbanística de la Universidad de Valladolid, España, 1996.
14-RIERA, Elba del Carmen (primer parcial) "La complejidad: consideraciones epistemológicas y filosóficas", documento presentado en el Twentieth world congrees of philosophy, Boston, 1998, en
15-ROSSI, Aldo, “La Arquitectura de la Ciudad”, Prefacio a la segunda edición italiana, Introducción: Hechos urbanos y teoría de la ciudad y Capítulo 1. Estructura de los hechos urbanos, Editorial Gustavo Gilli, 1993.
16- SASSEN, Saskia."Las ciudades en la economía global", en Simposio La ciudad latinoamericana y del Caribe en el nuevo siglo. Barcelona, 1997, en
“Aprendiendo de Las Vegas”, Parte I: Un significado para los Aparcamientos A & P, O. Aprendiendo de Las Vegas, Editorial Gustavo Gilli, 1998.
18-ZAERA POLO, Alejandro : "Orden desde el caos", en Exit N°1, Editorial LMI, Madrid, 1994.
Bibliografía e Índice General. Arquitectura: Mente, Territorio y Sociedad
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